Beatport LLC
Beatport LLC

April 27, 2007

Luck Coveted..

Well its nearly 2am and i'm sitting here typing this.Something must have compelled me to come here, some drive, some drink? maybe...and yeah remember - " the only thing stopping you, is YOU". Now this phrase is quite something to remember for long time in your life.

So here i'm! not many thoughts that i could be confused about...not blurred to express what running in. So let me indugle you with this thought - "Ever met someone nice to know and feeling is mutual and strong?! and begin to lower your gaurd as you let the smile curve around those corners and you let your artistic mind take control to draw the picture...
Just about the time you could feel good and let the needle scale up your degree of emotion, you realize that it just disappears like the flame into the thin air...wrong metaphor?? but i bet, its the right title!

Ponder on..its not a random thought. Everyone comes across this phase, this moment...

February 15, 2007

Another Hero in our daily lives

How often do you see something and think, "Someone should do something about that," then keep going?

But on Feb. 17, we're celebrating the example set by Wesley Autrey, the New York subway hero, who saw something that needed to be done and just did it. He saved a life. What can you do?

February 11, 2007

The Seeker

"Life passes most people by, while they are making grand plans for it..."
---from the movie BLOW

January 30, 2007


Will come soon....